Building for sale in Oceanside, CA. I like the style and have daydreamed about what kind of business should be here. So far the favorites are a beach bar with the Harleys out front , or a health center where you could get healthy food and sports stuff like bicyle and kayak gear.
It has a view of the pier. And I took this photo while standing in a free public parking lot.
Just to the left of the image the street is lined with new beach homes. Two and three story. Narrow and on small lots. Rather expensive this close to the sand.

Home for sale in Carlsbad, CA. Its on a funny corner and is towered over by the mess behind it. This is a theme in the beach towns. The real estate has grown so valuable that many of the old properties are being torn down and a new "big as we can get it" home or apartment is built. In a way it is sad. To see the old homes lost forever.

These are called Traveller Palms; even though they are not Palms.
We first noticed them on Maui, they don't seem to be real common around North County.

Flowering bush at Buena Vista Lagoon.