Building Destroyed in Carlsbad Fire
This building was home to (or one of it's spaces). Sound-Eklin. They make some kind of veterinary imaging equipment. The Poinsettia fire in Carlsbad came through the roof and destroyed it.
The guard there told me it is slated to be torn down, and everything inside sent to salvage or scrap.
We had seen this on the news with flames shooting out of the windows. Looked rather bizarre.
Torched hillside behind
From the front of the building.
This is from the back of the property.
It is the white horizontal building in the
center of this photo.
The back wall looks more or less intact.
I think the fire got in through the roof.
This house on the hill, in the center of the photo,
is one of the homes that was destroyed.
It looks like it was one of the original homes on the hill.
All the homes near it look like a more modern tract.
Posted by
Old Dude
Carlsbad Fire Damage
Photos taken near El Camino and Poinsettia in Carlsbad.
Posted by
Old Dude
Heat Wave
Heat Wave
It has been in the high 90s for a few days and multiple fires have broken out.
Some homes and businesses have been lost. Smoke pretty much all around us.
Treacherous dry winds. Some suspect that there is arson involved. Yesterday
there were at least seven good size scary fires and today that number has grown
to at least nine. We could see flames jumping off the hills last night at bed time;
From our upstairs window. They were not close to us, but still creepy.
This plume is from two fires on Camp Pendleton.
In this photo you can see a smaller plume to the left.
Our Patio. It is scary but not accurate. It went crazy in the direct sun.
The real temperature was closer to mid-ninety's.
Posted by
Old Dude