
Balboa Park Botanical Garden


What happens when you are not paying attention.

Rowdy Yates

From Fruit Bowl Nights

Kitchen Chair


Old Chairs at Work

Can you believe these chairs.?  The first one has been around since the 70's.  The add on cushion is also an outstanding feature .  It has burst open and the springs are exposed.  But duct tape will fix it, right?
I have noticed that when men see this find they laugh, but women are mildy horrified by it.


Sunny Day

Quite a bit of Paint Shop photo manipulation going on.

Stop me before I oversaturate again!

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State Walk

Saturated Plant

Tower with eucalyptus
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Saturated Rose

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San Diego State Walk

Why is this tree partly fuzzy?  Wind?

Found note.

The only flower on the plant was near the ground.
I think it is called a Matilija. Not sure.

Pride of Madera


Vine on Trellis

Window with reflection.
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One in 8 Million - New York Characters in Sound and Images - The New York Times

If you have time, check this out.  Still photos played with sound.  Very Cool!

One in 8 Million - New York Characters in Sound and Images - The New York Times