
White House Peace Protest

This Woman, Consepcion Picciotto, has been prostesting nuclear war since 1981.  This little encampment is set up in front of the White House and is manned 24-7 by volunteers.  Quite a history behind it.  We were visiting Washington DC and I noticed this scene across from the White House.  So I took a few photos and said hello and gave a few dollars to the cause.  At first we are tempted to say that she is another nut job and keep walking.  But think about it, she and and those like her are not the ones with their fingers on the trigger, so to speak.  They do not make, store, or threaten with horrible death machines.

So, shouldn't we ask who the nut jobs really are?


There is a lot of information about Concepcion Picciotto on the internet, Facebook etc.
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On Train from DC to Baltimore

Train trip from Union Station Washington DC to Baltimore Maryland;
on a rainy morning.


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Daytona Bike Show

From a few years back.

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Saturate if you Must

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Downtown Oceanside

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Crazy Flowers

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Attack of the Cones

Cones are the new Invasive Species.

Humans need to stay on the alert!

Do they come from Outer Space?
 Begging for any sort of Food.
 Taking over our Beaches.
 This one is a Roof Top Lookout.
 Are the Children safe from Cones?

Cones crossing the Street.  Seems innocent enough,
 until they invade your Neighborhood.
 They are even jumping in Trucks and crossing
International Borders.

Humans, Stay on the Alert!


Johnny the Cat

Johnny the Cat doing his thing.
This is from a few years back.

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